++All music streaming services++
Find and save songs from any streaming provider or music video portal.
++Save content in top quality++
Enjoy millions of tracks in top Ultra HD, HiFi, or Master quality. Precisely cut and without loss of quality – only with Audials!
++Lightning-speed recording++
Want access to hundreds of songs and entire discographies? Audials Music saves everything at lightning speed.
++Find your music++
Find and record any song using all available streaming services, websites with ease.
++Huge amount of playlists++
Get cool suitable playlists for every artist and genre, or import them from streaming services and download your favorite music!
Create, enjoy and export your own playlists.
++Save music effortlessly++
Create your own music wishlist and Audials Music will save hits or even entire albums and discographies in the background.
++Vast variety of music++
Thanks to an endless selection of music and up-to-date artists, tracks and charts, you’ll always have the best music for every occasion. With your “Music Zoom”, you can immerse yourself further in the infinite world of music!
++Precise audio editor++
Edit your music like a pro down to the microsecond! Add fading to the beginning or end of your tracks, normalize the volume or export sections of the song.
++Save audio books++
from Audible, Spotify and Deezer.
++Automatic tagging++
Audials finds and adds tags and song lyrics. Comfortably edit several songs at once.
++Add music to your devices++
Manage your cloud storage and load music onto your smartphone.
++Convert audio files++
Convert songs into all formats and play them on other devices.
++Your Music Manager++
Audials organizes your gems and smoothly transfers them to your computer, smartphone or cloud. Edit and enjoy hundreds of thousands of songs trouble-free.